Sunday, January 31, 2010

150 DAYS!

Its raining outside, I am safe in here.
The company I have, if was up to me, perhaps I would have chosen better,
but I didn’t chose.
So this is how it is and will be for the next 150 days, maybe more.
I wish the days away, longing for the rains to stop,
To get out of this shelter,
feel the sunshine, smell the flowers.
The rain keeps pouring; each day seems like a year.
I know I am in a place of safety, safe from the flood,
and this company isn’t half as bad as I say.
Lord, lead me on, help me make the most of these days,
to rejoice in this safe haven,
Lest when the rains stop and I leave this company,
feel the sunshine, smell the flowers,
I secretly long to be back in the ark.

1 comment:

Mark & Jennie said...

praying away the days for you, friend! love this - thanks for sharing. see you next week!