Exactly 2 years, a month, and 6 days later and my time is my own, at least for now,...the short version is that the credit crunch didn't just book a ticket to Europe and America, it added Uganda to it's itinerary and while here, decided to pay me a visit,...in short, i got retrenched, at such a young age too!!!
i must admit, after frantically applying for jobs the past weeks, working like crazy, shedding tears as i said hasta luego to my former colleagues, some of whom i had become really fond of, finally putting my belongings in box(like in the movies) and arriving home and literally feeling the emotional and physical exhaustion of 2 years like a physical weight, its simply delightful being able to wake up at my leisure, watch a good movie, read a book, not having to double check my alarm clock is set to wake up early, see my friends without watching the clock, drink lots of tea of course and simply do nothing, nothing!!!
i should be worried about the future and i guess at times i get anxious not knowing exactly where my life is headed from now, what next, where next??,...the usual intrigue that comes from unsolved mysteries.
i have decided though, to give myself a break, enjoy this bit of freedom from the rat race, reconnect with me and simply be thankful for time to do what i like!
what surprises the next couple of months will bring i am trying my best to leave entirely up to God. with Him life is a sea of wonderful possibilities and i am going to walk on water!! thats as exciting as exciting can possibly be,.....i will rest a while at this cross road.
so let the storms rage high, the dark clouds rise they won't worry me, for i am sheltered safe within the arms of God, He walks with me and naught of earth can harm me, for i'm sheltered in the arms of God(thanks Ben Speer)
Habakkuk 3:17 and like C says, don't just stop at 17,...read it to the end!