Thursday, December 30, 2010


What a year!!!...endings, begginings, endings again, travel, love, music, friendship, family, et al! All I can say is God has been AWESOME to me, taking me places beyond my wildest dreams, and teaching me that He got nuthin' but love for me!!
What does the future hold?? Non lo so,...I am learning that it is settled in quietness, trust and thanksgiving!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter's Here! - 21/12/10

Star takes a bow, drums roll, curtains are drawn,....Let's get ready for the next show!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Right back at the place I hate to be,'s all good though since i ain't at the wheel anymore. He is! I wonder what He is up to this time:)??

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Nothing like Paris to put things into perspective

Whats the best way to get rid of a thought that nags you the whole day?
a) Play dumb and act like it doesn't matter
b)Worry yourself sick thinking of all possible solutions
c)Take matters into your own hands and try to manipulate the situation to your advantage
d)Pray about it, do what you can, and let Jesus handle the rest

Some solutions are more sensible than others, the sensible solutions are easier said than done and for me it seems that I go through them all before I finally get it!
Well, in the past week I have been to Parigi and despite the biting cold it was well worth it to just leave the norm and for a couple of days live in a dream, I am back to the norm,...has the situation changed? No, but a few days of detachement can generally put things into persperctive, is to be lived a day at a time, there's stuff out there to be enjoyed and it's all a matter of time before this will be over and i'll be onto the next challenge!