Friday, September 28, 2007


i used to wonder what all the ra ra was about see, when yo not working everyday is a weekend and it's hard to empathise with people who cry on monday morning,...then a time comes and you join those very people who you felt no empathy for..and all of a sudden you are a part of that percentage of people in the world who are employed and are not the boss. you will definately recognise them, they are the ones you meet on the street who are always rude to you, or who have a look that says, " my life sucks and if you give me any reason to, i can make yours miserable too".

am definately not proud to be part of the crowd that lives for friday...i always thought i could take anythin in my stride, like i was so glad friday is here i get to go for a two days vacation where no one will be asking me to account for company money or telling you to do a million things at a go....vacation destination???..home! realised i never really knew how much i love home till i started work.....wat am trying to say is i love home and can't wait for 5:00 o'clock today when i can finally go to the one place where am good enough just being me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


this is not about work,...did i ever tell you how a guy with nice teeth just kills me??'s the kinda thing you think about when you are at work on a boring wednesday afternoon and you are trying to kill time.

i am a confessed perfect teeth fanatic, when a guy smiles and he has nice teeth i go into some kinda trance. i remember spending a whole afternoon discussing teeth with an auntie of mine..this teeth thing runs in the family...she is quiet eldery and she wears braces cos she still wants a perfect smile (somebody stop her!!!!) she was really upset when someone told her she is too old to wear braces...we spent time trying to figure out how to tell the lady exactly what we thought of her as a can anyone be so insensitve to the fact that teeth have just got to be perfect??? that meant making calls to any family member who would care to listen to the story about that lady who has no appreciation for beautiful teeth. a maximum of about an 2hours in phone calls.
i put on my most serious face so i could share in my auntie's indignition, you've gotta support family, but the devil in my head was rolling on the floor laughing and clutching at his not sure if the devils in girl's heads are she or he devils so lets just stick to the he devil. do you know what it cost me to keep up a serious front while that discussion was going on??......thought so.

this morning on my way to work i met a guy called henry and when he smiled he could have gotten away with murder.....then last friday i met another guy called anthony and all i could say was "Jesus!". i needed help from above to keep me from starin..though i kept sneaking looks at him when he wasn't lookin....believe me, this has got nothing to do with chemistry or any of the sciences...mainly just art.......someone once told me am the vainest person they know, i dont think so, this teeth thing has got nothing to do with vanity, it's unexplainable!

and besides i tolerate people in my life who have not so good teeth, they are all around me, marion, richie, isabel, ju.......ooops i didn't say that. like Jesus, i accept you just the way you are.

and oh, today is my bestest boyfriend's birthday..happy birthday jorgie!! not going to tell the whole world bout yo teeth!! and thats the best present i can give you.

i just don't want to let this go before am sure you understand the way i feel about teeth.......but i gotta work so that am not fired, i'll be back here using up more company time to give y'all a lesson on teeth.


sick and tired of writing poems...thought i'd write about the not too exciting turns my life is takin.
ve been officially employed for a week now...after one short year of being voluntarily unemployed it still seems strange to wake up in the morning and get ready for's an events management company. i do all the accounting work, thats just the short version of things..will send you my job description thats just about a mile long......i was soo sad the first days of work, i was learning new stuff every second and i was supposed to know them yesterday..i started to think that if i ever took a day the company would collapse like a ton of bricks.
i have two months of probation then they'll actually have to decide if am worth the peanuts am gettin.

my boss..she's ok, except for the plastic smiles she give when she is trying her best to be patient as you learn something, while all the while the look in her eyes says," you dimwit can't believe i hired you" and am thinking," i don't need this crap". only thing is if i quit, we do not have unemployment benefits in uganda and i don't want to go back to getting hand outs from the sucks....but it's all good..the rest of the staff are ok..maybe cos it's me who hands them their check!!

and now i gotta go cos any minute from now the boss lady walks in and i don't want to be accused of slacking off....dude, the perils of life on earth!!
nyways, thank God atleast i have a job and i can get my mom something really nice this christmas..a red leather purse i saw..can't wait to see the look on her face when i give it to her. well, i guess work has is pretty points...and like i said i gotta go.

Monday, September 24, 2007

breezy 3

i stopped trying to figure out what love is
it's better to hang out with the trees
and just go with the breeze.
maybe it will hit me like a bus,
maybe it will land softly like a butterfly.
either way, i might not be able to tell.
so Lord, when love comes my way
please say to me,
"jane, this is the day".
until then i'll hang out with the trees
where life is a breeze

breezy 2

life is a breeze and am breezy,
somebody stop me, i hate the haste!
why do i feel the need for speed??
like am doomed if i do not succeed??
am i running away from life
or trying to catch life??
maybe i forgot what life is
through the seasons and changes
i got stuck in a moment.
this is not a test,
i don't have to be the best,
just a reflection of You
in this world am passing through.
it's been a couple of hours, days really.
i have forgotten the flowers
their colors and their powers,
some like showers of sunshine
to brighten up the dullest of days
and remind me again and again
that for the simple things
You deserve the praise