Wednesday, September 26, 2007


this is not about work,...did i ever tell you how a guy with nice teeth just kills me??'s the kinda thing you think about when you are at work on a boring wednesday afternoon and you are trying to kill time.

i am a confessed perfect teeth fanatic, when a guy smiles and he has nice teeth i go into some kinda trance. i remember spending a whole afternoon discussing teeth with an auntie of mine..this teeth thing runs in the family...she is quiet eldery and she wears braces cos she still wants a perfect smile (somebody stop her!!!!) she was really upset when someone told her she is too old to wear braces...we spent time trying to figure out how to tell the lady exactly what we thought of her as a can anyone be so insensitve to the fact that teeth have just got to be perfect??? that meant making calls to any family member who would care to listen to the story about that lady who has no appreciation for beautiful teeth. a maximum of about an 2hours in phone calls.
i put on my most serious face so i could share in my auntie's indignition, you've gotta support family, but the devil in my head was rolling on the floor laughing and clutching at his not sure if the devils in girl's heads are she or he devils so lets just stick to the he devil. do you know what it cost me to keep up a serious front while that discussion was going on??......thought so.

this morning on my way to work i met a guy called henry and when he smiled he could have gotten away with murder.....then last friday i met another guy called anthony and all i could say was "Jesus!". i needed help from above to keep me from starin..though i kept sneaking looks at him when he wasn't lookin....believe me, this has got nothing to do with chemistry or any of the sciences...mainly just art.......someone once told me am the vainest person they know, i dont think so, this teeth thing has got nothing to do with vanity, it's unexplainable!

and besides i tolerate people in my life who have not so good teeth, they are all around me, marion, richie, isabel, ju.......ooops i didn't say that. like Jesus, i accept you just the way you are.

and oh, today is my bestest boyfriend's birthday..happy birthday jorgie!! not going to tell the whole world bout yo teeth!! and thats the best present i can give you.

i just don't want to let this go before am sure you understand the way i feel about teeth.......but i gotta work so that am not fired, i'll be back here using up more company time to give y'all a lesson on teeth.

1 comment:

J Man said...

interesting blog jenny. will give it a regular read..xox.