Wednesday, October 17, 2007


yesterday was monday, i think, i got back to work after my loooong weekend, needless to say we got into the thick of things straight time to breathe!
i used my lunch break to pick up my laptop,..met ken later that afternoon in town and being the gentleman that he is he offered to bring the laptop back to the office since it was too heavy for me to lug around, so the day went by crazy as usual then it was time to get back to the one single place on earth i place above every other..HOME!!
i usually walk back home after work, cos from my place of work is not the most convinient place to get a taxi, you would have to wait till dusk and then when the taxis finally come you have to go into a fist fight to get a seat, and besides walking is good for the health or so we are made to think.

like i was saying...i walked home...and during that walk i made an observation not unlike Isaac Newton's, only that mine will be more more helpful to many people in the short run. it's common knowlegde that guys stare at anything that passes them by in the street that bears any resemblence to a female...this staring begins from the head and moves downwards..and in some cases soon as they get just below the neck they turn away like you have a problem. this observation is based on series of questions asked during a certain black jack game at bukoto cresent in naguru.

apparently there was a meeting on Mars where men discussed the Boob Hypothesis and came up with a handbook with just two rules:
1. Boobs rule!!
2. If in doubt, check rule number one.

Pick A or B
A. True love
B. Big boobs.
here the correct answer for any male is supposed to be(must be) B at all times

so this is a logical explanation for why any guy staring at you would turn away disgustedly....if you ain't a pamela anderson, you are not worth the time!.
so for all the female motorists out there who are not pamela anderson and inspite of this are fearfully and wonderfully made, honk twice!
the moral of this is guys hate people with the same problem as them: no boobs. am sure rich and william will fully agree with me on this.

i mentioned earlier i gave ken my laptop, i don't think i mentioned the laptop bag had my phone my wallet and all my earthly possesions that mattered most at that time, after waiting at the office for ken till 6:15PM!! i decided to head home without all these important things. i thought not having my phone for one night would be a good thing and besides someone had been sending me weird messages during the day (highly confidential and weird)...that was until i got home and all these thoughts started plauging my mind,
" what if the CHOGM organising committee had called to tell me am the only one allowed to give the queen company during her afternoon tea??" seeing am the only tea connosieur in this country who can hold a decent conversation in english...
or "what if the guy i have a major crush on had called, assuming by some miracle he had got my number?"...on and on these thoughts went,...before i knew it it was morning and i was back at work..i rushed to check my phone for missed calls only to find 2 messages and 4 calls from my boss... and oh, a missed call from my mom and a message from brian. i need to get a life!


Della said...

Where on earth did u get that theory!!!!!! Am Honking all the way home..
Enjoyed reading the blog..
Only comment,, Don't stop them from coming.. More MOre MORe MORE...
Ok, Enough now - Get back to work!

Della said...

Where on earth did u get that theory!!!!!! Am Honking all the way home..
Enjoyed reading the blog..
Only comment,, Don't stop them from coming.. More MOre MORe MORE...
Ok, Enough now - Get back to work!